Heroes of Our Time

A series of illustrations that serve as social commentary on the contemporary issues of the time.
Imagery references famous painting of former masters.
2018 Digital Illustrations

CREATION OF EVE - Inequality of treatment of women in US.

THE 3RD OF MAY 1808 - Francisco Goya

MADONNA OD THE LIKES - Social media is the new religious.

MONA LISA - Leonardo Da Vinci

FATHER AND CHILD - The sacred time of bonding through video games.


CREATION OF ADAM - Michelangelo

THE 18TH OF MAY 2018 - Mass school shooting.

MADONNA OF THE ROCKS - Leonardo Di Vinci

MONO (MONKEY) LISA - Chimp Julie sets a fashion trend of wearing a straw.

MADONNA AND CHILD - William-Adolphe Bouguereau